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The Skinny on Summer Skin

3 Golden Rules for Glowing Summer Skin
A painful sunburn isn’t how you want to remember a day at the pool. Unfortunately, getting sunburned is much more common that it ought to be. Even minor sunburns can be dangerous. May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, the perfect time for some simple sun reminders.A recent survey conducted by the Skin Cancer Foundation found that 42% of people get a sunburn at least once a year. But besides the stinging sensation, the peeling and blistering, what’s the harm in getting burned? Research shows that a person’s risk for melanoma — the most serious form of skin cancer — doubles if he or she has had five or more sunburns. Anyone can get skin cancer, but some factors put you at higher risk, including:

  • lighter natural skin color
  • personal history of skin cancer
  • family history of melanoma
  • exposure to the sun through work and play
  • history of sunburns early in life
  • skin that burns, freckles, reddens easily, or becomes painful in the sun
  • blue or green eyes
  • naturally blond or red hair

Golden Rules for a Golden Glow

  • Slather on. With an SPF of 45+, even the fairest of beach bums can hang out in the sun for a couple of hours without reapplying.
  • Cover up. When you’re not in the pool, call in reinforcements for extra protection. Floppy hats, large umbrellas and beach cover-ups can really do the trick.
  • Fake out. Don’t lie in the sun purposefully seeking a tan. This is not only damaging to your skin in the long term, but you’ll likely burn the first few times you try it. Instead, opt for a sunless tanner or bronzer.

Know the Lingo
Terminology on sunscreen labels can be confusing. SPF actually isn’t an ingredient in sunblock or sunscreen. It stands for Sun Protection Factor and is a number that indicates how well a product blocks UVB rays.

A product with an SPF higher than 15 is called a sunblock. Anything lower is called a sunscreen. To estimate out how long you can stay in the sun with a given SPF, you can use this equation: # of minutes you typically take to burn without sunscreen x SPF number = maximum sun exposure time.

However, you should always err on the side of caution. Most people tend to use less sunscreen than the amount used in testing, which will throw things off. If you’re going to be outside for a while, bring sunscreen with you and reapply often.

Supplement your Skin Care
To maximize skin health for a youthful glow that lasts year-round, be sure to include Reliv’s r collection in your beauty regimen. Your skin will benefit from an exclusive combination of potent antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and essential fatty acids that work to combat environmental damage, slow the aging process and nourish your skin at the cellular level.

Article written by and compliments of Reliv International.

Ready to order? Contact your Independent Reliv Distributor, Renee Vidor, to obtain your customer number:

Cardio, Weight, Skin, and more!

3 More Reasons Soy is So Super

Soy is one superfood that continues to gain attention. Studies illustrate soy’s ability to improve bone health, alleviate menopausal symptoms and reduce risk of some diseases. Recent scientific breakthroughs have uncovered even further benefits of soy for cardiovascular health, weight loss and skin care.

1. Lunasin is nutritional “magic” for cardio health.

In 1999, the FDA approved a health claim that “25 grams of soy protein per day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.” This claim was based on research findings that soy-based diets reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL (good) cholesterol.

Meanwhile, science has uncovered the nutritional “magic” behind soy’s cholesterol-lowering abilities. Studies show lunasin, a naturally occurring peptide found in soy, is largely responsible. Lunasin works to lower cholesterol in two ways:

  • disrupts the production of cholesterol in the liver
  • improves the liver’s ability to clear LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream

2. Protein and peptides are heavy hitters for weight loss.

For years, dieters have relied on the mighty soybean to aid weight loss. It makes sense: soy is high in protein and fiber for satiety, while also low in fat. But a study showed that soy also has an effect on the mechanisms in the body that boost metabolism. In other words, soy packs a powerful one-two punch for weight loss by addressing both food intake and calorie burning.

3. Antioxidant promotes supple skin.

Studies suggest the combination of consuming soy and applying it topically may provide a host of skin benefits. Soy’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can reduce the redness caused by acne and sun exposure. It also helps promote the synthesis of collagen and improves skin elasticity. Soy even improves the skin’s ability to retain moisture.

Skincare containing soy, like Reliv’s r line of premium products, can help reduce wrinkles, skin discoloration and inflammation when used over time.

Discover how you can add soy to your health regimen.

Enjoy a healthier, more active lifestyle with Reliv.

(Article written by, and compliments of Reliv International)

To order Reliv products risk-free through the 30-day money-back guarantee, contact your Independent Reliv Distributor, Renee Vidor, to obtain a customer ordering number:

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